"Republic Pictures has announced an unique, nation-wide contest in connection with the forth coming release of 'My Pal Trigger,' Roy Rogers outdoor film in which $1000 in cash prizes will be donated to the authors of the best names of twin colts sired by Trigger, star movie horse. Birth of the twin colts is an integral part of the film's plot. The contest has been especially designed to enable participating exhibitors to stage local contests, coincident with their showing of the film.
"While Republic has announced that $1000 in cash will be divided among 18 national winners, selected from the best five entries from each theatre participating. There is nothing in the contest rules to prevent exhibitors rom promoting additional prizes locally for the best five local entries, these to be selected by exhibitors or by a board of local judges of their own choosing.
"Contest aids have been prepared by Republic, including two-color window cards suitable for lobby display ; contest blanks telling the contest story ; special publicity stories planned for local planting with newspapers, etc. Contest blanks are intended for distribution through schools, stores, clubs, milk companies, etc. All contests aids are to be made available to exhibitors without charge.
"The press book for 'My Pal Trigger' suggests that exhibitors contact local branches of The Roy Rogers Fan Clun for exploitation plans for the pictures.
"Entries in the Colt naming contest close December 31, 1946."
To see this article in its original context click here.
The movie My Pal Trigger is a pure delight. In this movie, Roy Rogers gives one of the finest performances of his career. He gets to actually play some real emotional scenes here and they work perfectly as well as show that Roy wasn't just a great singer and horseback rider, but a top notch actor as well. This is not to say this movie is missing the fun of other films as it has that fun in spades with some great songs and fast paced exciting action. As always the supporting cast is also excellent include such familiar faces as Gabby Hayes, Dale Evans and the Sons of the Pioneers. This a must see for all Roy Rogers fans and is easily the perfect movie to introduce people to Roy Rogers with.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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