Today's episode was written By Josh Haber, who has been writing for the show since season 4. It was storyboarded by Karine Charlebois (who started boarding for the show in season 6), Aynsley King (Who has been boarding for the show since season 4) and Mincheul Park (Who has been boarding for the show since Season 5). In this episode Starlight and Trixie hit the road together for a great and powerful road trip, which puts their friendship to the test.
This is so far my favorite episode of season 8 and I might even go further and call this one of my favorite episodes. The reason for this is very simple. This episode is laugh out loud hilarious. Even with all the episodes so far with Starlight and Trixie, the chemistry between them has never been this great. The chemistry is perfect, both when they are getting along and when they are fighting. The exchanges of dialogue between them here is absolutely hilarious, while staying completely in character for them. As well as this the episode has some fantastic visual gags and great animation. I love the character animation of Starlight and Trixie making up a chant off the fly. The expressions on their faces and the awkwardly not synchronized with each other movements of their bodies made me laugh very loud. As a classic movie buff myself, my favorite part of the episode was the song number Road to Friendship, written by Josh Haber and Daniel Ingram. For those who have not seen the movie as many times as I have, it is obviously a parody of the title song from the Bob Hope/ Bing Crosby road picture, Road to Morocco (1942). This is a dead on and extremely funny parody. It even parodies the rattling on Bing and Bob do at the end of that musical number. Even beyond just the parody there are plenty of really clever visual jokes during this scene.
All in all this episode is a complete delight and I highly recommend it.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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