Michael's Movie Grade: A
Review: The Incredibles is one of my favorites if not my favorite super hero movies. So naturally I went into this movie with high expectations. Luckily this film was more than worth the wait. I wouldn't say this movie topped the original, but man it was incredibly good.
The thing that makes both this movie and the previous film work so well is that the characters are so real. They are good and amazing heroes, but they are also are human as well. They have their virtues and faults. These faults help make them relatable, and though they are used for humor they are never exaggerated to the point of caricature. For instance Mr. Incredible may not always know what the right thing to do when helping his kids is and this leads to a lot of comedic mishaps. Still he is not your typical sitcom father, that is a complete idiot who can't do anything right. Instead he is a human being, who due to being human, comes across times in his life when he doesn't know what to do. All the other characters are treated with the same amount of respect and believability.
Like the first film, this movie also delves into the theme of what truly is moral, and how these characters react to the injustice around them. However this is one thing which this sequel delves deeper into, and the results are very thought provoking and intelligent, avoiding any easy answers.
Beyond just the characters and themes though this film is fantastic at being a superhero movie. It gives us a great new villain, and some very dark and intense scenes, that like the first film really push what can be done within a PG rating. The villain's motivations themselves are complex and thought provoking making one wonder just how right this character actually is at points. The only real problem with this villain is that I saw who was really behind this, then I should have, since it is quite predictable. Still that is a relatively minor complaint, but it is something the first film did better. The action scenes are fantastic as well. They are very exciting and last just the right length, and therefore never drag on. The humor is also excellent and there were quite a few times I laughed out loud during this movie. The animation is also extremely great and lives up well to the Pixar Standard.
Overall this is a fantastic movie, that should be seen by all fans of animation, Pixar, superheroes and just great movies.
But don't go away we have a short film to review.

Michael's Movie Grade: B+
Review: Excellent short.
What really works here is the animation. Like in many of the Pixar shorts, the story is told without dialogue. Because of the animation needs to be very expressive and being Pixar it naturally is. The characters are also very likable if not that developed. The story is thought provoking and the ending brings up questions that do not have fully spelled out answers. I want to give as little away of this short as possible, because knowing little about it, made it work all the better for me.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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