Michael's Movie Grade:D
Review: Unfunny vulgar comedy tries too hard to be funny, and misses the mark.
The real problem with this movie is that it just isn't funny. Maybe one or two jokes hit but most miss the mark completely. The film seems convinced that the more vulgar it is the funnier it is. The jokes are quite vulgar but rarely funny. Vulgar humor isn't funny just because it's vulgar, but rather for the reasons any type of humor is. In essence vulgar humor can be funny because of great timing, delivery, a good set up, by being clever, or any other why comedy is funny. This movie doesn't seem to understand that and thinks that this comedy is just funny because it is vulgar. When the comedy in a comedy doesn't work it is near impossible to make up for this.
What did though pleasantly surprise me is that the characters are quite likable. The boyfriend could have easily been an unlikable jerk, but he isn't. The guy always has his heart in the right place. This is a nice touch that I wish could've been in a better movie. The rest of the characters while maybe underdeveloped are quite likable as well. Unfortunately these characters are tied to a very unfunny movie, with a predictable been done a million times before story.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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