Michael's Movie Grade:D
Review: Just a very forgettable film.
This film has little to make it stand out. The story-line and characters have been done many times before and will be done many times in the future. There is nothing new this movie brings. Everything that is done here has been done better elsewhere.
What really hurts this film is the humor. This movie assumes just because a joke is immature it is funny. There are jokes about farting, pee, poop, and burping. However there is seemingly no effort put into these jokes. They just assume being disgusting makes them funny. It is strange to think Jon Vitti, who has written some very funny episodes of The Simpsons could have been one of the writers for a film this unfunny.
This film does have some good points though. The main character is quite likable, and the artwork looks nice. However even these good points have been done better in other films.
Overall this movie sadly is just not a good movie.
-Michael J. Ruhland
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